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What is Team Personalization?

Team Customization aka “custom names and numbers” or  “individualization”, is the addition of vinyl cuts customized typically with names and numbers. This is the industry standard for adding individual names and numbers to any teams shirts, jerseys, uniforms and much more!


Team Personalization FAQ

How Strong Is The Print Quality For Custom Names And Numbers?

The names and numbers are extremely durable, usually lasting as long as the shirt itself! Since the vinyl material is flexible, it moves and stretches with your while resisting cracking and peeling.

How Many Shirts Can I Order With Custom Names And Numbers?

We can add individualization to as few as 2 items or more.  We acclimate large orders with custom names and numbers regularly for social clubs and team sports! 

Our service is built with our aim is to provide a great customer experience and make the print process as easy as possible.


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